Auditions for a place in the choir can take place at any time of year.
At audition we are looking for a clear voice, a quick musical ear and an enthusiasm for singing. Candidates will be asked to sing a hymn or song of their choice and undertake some ear tests. They do not need to have had any previous musical training, but knowledge of music theory will be tested during the audition process.
In addition to a voice trial, prospective choristers are required to sit the school’s entrance examinations. We normally recruit choristers into the choir at the start of Year 4, but we would be pleased to hear from anyone who has a son or daughter in Year 2 through to Year 5 who has a love of singing (age 6 – 10).
When a chorister joins the choir, they begin as a probationer, attending the morning chorister rehearsals at Dean Close Preparatory School and learning the musical skills that they will need throughout their time in the choir. In addition, they will initially join the full members of the choir at Evensong once a week. This commitment increases gradually during their first year in the choir.